LIU Ming 1,2 , ZHANG Wenye 3 , HAN Hui 1 , ZHONG Ruqing 1 , CHEN Liang 1 , DONG Yanjun 2 , ZHANG Hongfu 1 ,YI Bao 1*
(1. State Key Laboratory of Animal Nutrition, Institute of Animal Sciences, Chinese Academy of AgriculturalSciences, Beijing 100193, China; 2. Beijing China-Agri Hong Ke Bio-Technology Co., Ltd, Beijing 100226,China; 3. Shaanxi Shiyang Agriculture Co., Ltd, Shaanxi Xi'an 710021, China)
Abstract: As a green, safe and efficient additive, yeast culture (YC) has been widely used in monogastric animalproduction. YC contains various metabolites and has positive effects on intestinal health of monogastric animal.However, the metabolites of YC are complex and the mechanisms are still unclear. This review summarizes themain functions and the possible pathways of YC on monogastric animal (mainly pigs and poultry) production,such as enhancing immune function, maintaining intestinal morphology, promoting intestinal development andmodifying intestinal microbiome, to lay a foundation for its application in monogastric animal production andfurther research.
Keywords: Yeast culture; Intestinal health; Monogastric Animal
From:Chinese Journal of Animal Science ISSN 0258-7033,CN 11-2083/S